France - Normandy

Normandy, on the northern coast of France, best known for the beach landings during World War II. The visit to the beach landing sites and museums were eye opening for all of us, and it was a great way for the kids to learn about WW II. We also visited the impressive Mont Saint-Michel, as well as Saint-Malo in neighboring Brittany region. This was a great brief visit before moving on to Loire Valley.

Day 0 - Drove from Paris to Bayeux

Day 1 - World War II: Landing beaches and other related sites

Day 2 - Saint-Malo and Mont Saint-Michel

Day 3 - Drive to Loire Valley

 Day 0 - Drive from Paris to Bayeux


We head off to Normandy region to visit the World War II sites and learn about the war as well as to visit the famous Mont Saint-Michel. Bayeux is a good hub for our time in Normandy, it’s also surprisingly beautiful. We drove from Paris to Bayeux, checked into our B&B, and went for a nice dinner and evening walk around town.

Voyagers tips: There are several nice restaurants in Bayeux, we really enjoyed Le Drakkar. Great food and great service. We did not like Le Garde Manger, food was overpriced and service was mediocre. You can park in timed parking without limit from 7pm - 9am.

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Day 1 - Visiting World War II Sites

Omaha Beach

Utah Beach

Pointe du Hoc

Normandy American Cemetery

The famous beach landings take on a different meaning when we visit the sites. We visited Omaha beach, Utah beach, Pointe du Hoc and the Normandy American Cemetery. Very powerful visit.

Voyagers tips: Bayeux is indeed a great hub for this area. For these sites, it makes more sense to start from the west, visiting Utah beach => Pointe du Hoc => Omaha beach => Normandy American Cemetery. Arromanches is worth visiting too but the four points above is already a lot for one day. Utah beach museum is very well done (it was expanded in 2011) and is a great start for the day to get grounded on the history before visiting the sites. If you have two days, consider the following: Day 1: Utah museum, Utah beach, Pointe du Hoc, Omaha beach. Day 2: Normandy American Cemetery, Arromanches, Bayeux Tapestry in Bayeux Cathedral.

Omaha Beach


Omaha beach - The bloodiest of the five beach landings. Roughly 2,000 US soldiers died here on D-day.

Utah Beach


The museum (right on the beach) is fantastic, great place to learn the history and gather more information before visiting the sites. The beach is fun for the kids.

Pointe du Hoc


Pointe du Hoc - Brave American soldiers scaled the cliffs and took control of these critical points. Great stop for kids also, with lots of bunkers for kids to run around and explore.

Normandy American Cemetery


Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial. 9,388 fallen soldiers buried here.

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Day 2 - Arromanches, Saint-Malo and Mont Saint-Michel



Mont Saint-Michel



Arromanches was the site for a temporary harbor built just after the beach landings to help move soliders and suppliers into France. This temporary floating harbor more than did its job and was a great engineering feat that helped the allies immensely. It’s a good quick stop.



Saint-Malo, a port city in Brittany region, is a walled city that was once a stronghold of privateers (pirates approved by the king), was mostly destroyed in WW II then rebuilt to restore its glory. It is now a popular tourist spot.

Mont Saint-Michel


Mont Saint-Michel, a majestic abbey built on top of an island, an UNESCO world heritage site. Amazing architecture and cool historical relevance.

Voyagers tips: When driving there, look for signs to turn right to the parking lots. Park and take the free shuttle to the island bridge. You can cover the island in a few hours, go after 4pm to avoid the massive crowd in peak seasons, just know that some shops start closing at 6pm. Keep walking upwards to reach the abbey, where you have to buy tickets to enter.

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