Day 2 - Acropolis & ancient agora


areopagus hill

roman forum & hadrian’s library

ancient agora

Working our way around the ancient sites in counterclockwise direction, our itinerary worked out very well: Acropolis => Areopagus Hill=> Roman Forum if Athens => Hadrian’s Library => Ancient Agora. The two highlights are definitely Acropolis and Ancient Agora.



We made it to the Acropolis, the number one attraction in Greece. Greek’s worship of the Greek gods come to life here.

Voyagers tips: Use the southeast entrance (the path opposite to Acropolis Museum entrance) to avoid tour bus crowds. Go right when it opens to get some nice shots before the tour groups show up.

areopagus hill


Aeropegus Hill, next to the Acropolis, is a great chilling spot with a fantastic view.

roman forum of athens & hadrian’s library


You can see most of the Roman Forum of Athens from the outside. However, without going in, you will not be able to see the inside of the tower of wind.

ancient agora


The Ancient Agora, the #2 ancient site in Athens behind the Acropolis. This place is big.

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